There was no way I was making 2 separate "well baby" appointments, and I made sure Josh could come with. It would have been a circus had he not been with us.
The nurse that was taking Kai's height/weight was rushing around and her demeanor was like she was super stressed out...which obviously made Kaius feel the same and he was completely freaked out. When the doctor came in and was testing his reflexes (hitting his knees) He started hitting her back!! It was pretty bad. Josh and I have NEVER seen him act that way. He didnt even have to get any shots this time (thank GOODNESS) but he was acting like he was abducted by aliens.
Monroe was great. She has already gained 2 lbs since birth...yeah she is over 10 lbs..that surprised me. She sleeps through the night (hallelujah) and I will always try to wake her up once or twice to eat. Sometimes she will, sometimes she wont. She is 90th percentile in weight, 75th in height. I feel so blessed. I know that I am.
We got Kaius to say Monroe's full name: "Man-roe"
Every male toy he has is "man", and he often says "ooh, MAN" if he gets hurt or whatever.
He will try to say anything we ask. I've been really excited for this stage. I think its one of the funnest stages.
We got Monroe's newborn pics done this week. We did some family pictures too. I also asked my Mom and Grandma to come, so we could do a generation picture. I think I am most excited to see those pics, with all 4 generations. My little brother, Matthew, doesn't have any grandparents [living]. My Dad just pointed that out to me this last week. I kinda doubted him at first, like, 'yeah right...everyone has grandparents...duh' but after I thought about it...he will never know what its like to be all excited to see your grandma and grandpa at their cool house and have them spoil you with treats and toys. I feel so bad for him. I mean, I think he gets spoiled in other ways (i.e. he's been to Hawaii like 4 times at least, and he's 8. He has 2 power wheels and all I ever wanted growing up was one. But I digress) But its still not the same.
I am so blessed to still have my Grandma and Grandpa with us. I always have wanted a picture with my Grandma, Mom, and Daughter. Not everyone gets that opportunity. When Family came in town for Kai's blessing, I was sure to do a Generation shot with Josh, his Dad, and Grandpa.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Popular Kids Shows
Ok so, Imagination Movers
Yo Gabba Gabba
Blues Clues
The Wiggles
These are all popular kids' shows right? What do they all have in common?
They all have adult males in them. Who dance around crazily to annoying music. And, if its not too rude to add, they are all ugly.
Why do kids like this? When I was little, I liked watching other little kids on TV. Like, Barney...or on Full House I would always like to watch the scenes with kids in them the most, I was annoyed with the adult scenes. I guess because I could relate to them? I do not see how I would EVER relate to any of the males above.
Its actually quite creepy in my book. I mean, I have watched the news really can't trust anyone these days. I can't stop picturing a group of sex offenders dressed as the wiggles and frequenting the local elementary school in their big Astro van.
Anyway. Did ya'll see the new Charmin commercial, where the momma bear is lint rolling the baby bear....and she brushes the lint roller across his bottom????????
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Nursery Pictures
Cute stuff I've made:
Got the frame half off at Hobby Lobby
Oatmeal cyllinder, mod podged
(ps..don't waste your time getting cute ribbon...cuz you cant see 'em)
I upgraded the space to this
I went from just the one pink kissing ball from this post, to this:
And then finally to this:
~White tissue lantern~Hot pink rosette kissing ball~Hot pink tulle ball~Chocolate brown rosette kissing ball~
(I just googled tutorials on them, and got help from Hilary on the white ball..she had them at her wedding :)
(don't worry, that chandelier is hangin in there good. :)
I got the idea from The Newlywed Game set.
I started feeling bad because Kai's side of the room was ho hum compared to Monroe's. I asked Josh if I should make some tissue lanterns in boy colors and he said NO, that's sissy. Get some sports balls or something. So..I did.
{diaper clutch}
{bow holder & headband holder}
Got the frame half off at Hobby Lobby
Oatmeal cyllinder, mod podged
(ps..don't waste your time getting cute ribbon...cuz you cant see 'em)
I upgraded the space to this
I went from just the one pink kissing ball from this post, to this:
And then finally to this:
~White tissue lantern~Hot pink rosette kissing ball~Hot pink tulle ball~Chocolate brown rosette kissing ball~
(I just googled tutorials on them, and got help from Hilary on the white ball..she had them at her wedding :)
(don't worry, that chandelier is hangin in there good. :)
I got the idea from The Newlywed Game set.
I started feeling bad because Kai's side of the room was ho hum compared to Monroe's. I asked Josh if I should make some tissue lanterns in boy colors and he said NO, that's sissy. Get some sports balls or something. So..I did.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Monroe 1 week old
So far, here are some facts:
♥ Recovering from a vaginal delivery is much harder than I expected. I thought I'd be all better by now, but turns out it takes most women about 2 weeks before they feeling of being hit by a truck goes away. The pelvis part is probably the worst. Its sore...
♥ My Mom is the best Mom ever. She totally saved me this week. She watched Kaius the whole time we were in the hospital, making it a very relaxing experience for Josh and I. And we were able to bond with our princess.
♥ Kaius cries way more often than Monroe.
♥ Monroe sleeps all day. AND all night. Wonderful. (ok, not all night, she wakes up twice to eat...not bad)
♥ I got mastitis AGAIN. Hense previous post. Felt like I was gunna die yesterday, but got some antibiotics and am feeling much better today. Roe just sleeps so much and isn't keeping up with the milk. And I don't want to pump because that will just exacerbate the problem.
♥ Kaius has never gotten jealous of the attention Monroe gets. He is only jealous that WE are holding her, and not him. He always wants to hold and kiss her. Its a dream come true.
♥ Recovering from a vaginal delivery is much harder than I expected. I thought I'd be all better by now, but turns out it takes most women about 2 weeks before they feeling of being hit by a truck goes away. The pelvis part is probably the worst. Its sore...
♥ My Mom is the best Mom ever. She totally saved me this week. She watched Kaius the whole time we were in the hospital, making it a very relaxing experience for Josh and I. And we were able to bond with our princess.
♥ Kaius cries way more often than Monroe.
♥ Monroe sleeps all day. AND all night. Wonderful. (ok, not all night, she wakes up twice to eat...not bad)
♥ I got mastitis AGAIN. Hense previous post. Felt like I was gunna die yesterday, but got some antibiotics and am feeling much better today. Roe just sleeps so much and isn't keeping up with the milk. And I don't want to pump because that will just exacerbate the problem.
♥ Kaius has never gotten jealous of the attention Monroe gets. He is only jealous that WE are holding her, and not him. He always wants to hold and kiss her. Its a dream come true.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Dear Body,
Did you think you birthed twins? Milk just for one, please. And don't listen to Josh when he says he likes the H cups, he doesn't know what he's talking about. kthxbye.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I don't mean to brag, but..
Oh wait, yeah. I do.
(Kaius-6 days) (Monroe-5 days)
Ha, I just noticed that they both have the same blanket in this picture. :D
Sunday, April 10, 2011
So Blessed
The last day has probably been the most amazing day of my life. I'm so grateful that I was able to have a successful VBAC without having a horrible tear like I feared. I was able to be apart of Monroe's firsts, something I only got to see in pictures with Kaius. Bathing her, being able to hold her straight from the womb, walking around afterward.
I'm so grateful for my Mom. She has watched Kaius and allowed us to have a relaxing experience bonding with Monroe. I thought from her personality in the womb that she'd be a sassy diva, but she is the chillest baby ever. It has only been a that can change anytime :) She feeds like a champ. She rarely cries but one time Josh couldn't get her to stop and she was rooting. He tried giving her a binky because she ate recently, but it didn't help. He handed her to me and -boom- no more crying. She might be a Mama's girl :)
(Really, though, I think it was because she smelled me)
She takes a binky( yaaaaAAAAAAAY!). Something Kaius never ever liked. I have a feeling Kaius will have a problem with it for the first little bit. He has had so many different brands of binkies, but they all ended up as toys. So I think he'll take them out of her mouth, like in the car and stuff. We'll see.
It was so nice to get a visit from my best girls today. And they both gave super cute gifts, thanks so much Cammie and Kenz! I doubt either of their husbands wanted to come but they did, thanks guys (like they'll ever read this ;)
This hospital is awesome. They brought Josh and I sacrament today and blessed it with us. We were so grateful for that. Also, there is unlimited room service for me, whenever I'm hungry. My doctor was amazing and she's delivered over 7,500 babies. I hope she is still delivering babies when(if) I have my next. I know it will be a while if we do have more. I'm a lazy bump on a log when I'm pregnant and I don't want to be that anymore. I want to be a fun mom. I want to take my kids outside once a day at least. I want to have a clean kitchen like I used to.
Monroe, the doll she is, was sweet enough to get Kaius a present! It's coming in the mail this week.
Not that he needs help adjusting... he LOVES her. She is HIS baby. A nurse had to take her away for about five minutes today for the hearing test...and he was NOT letting Monroe out of his sight. He just had to go with. It was so cute. I know I'm going to be spending a lot of time nursing, so I thought he'd have a blast with this lil structure.
I just have a hard time grasping how lucky I am. These are mine. Forever. I get to keep them. Doesn't hurt that they are the cutest babies ever ;)
I'm so grateful for my Mom. She has watched Kaius and allowed us to have a relaxing experience bonding with Monroe. I thought from her personality in the womb that she'd be a sassy diva, but she is the chillest baby ever. It has only been a that can change anytime :) She feeds like a champ. She rarely cries but one time Josh couldn't get her to stop and she was rooting. He tried giving her a binky because she ate recently, but it didn't help. He handed her to me and -boom- no more crying. She might be a Mama's girl :)
(Really, though, I think it was because she smelled me)
She takes a binky( yaaaaAAAAAAAY!). Something Kaius never ever liked. I have a feeling Kaius will have a problem with it for the first little bit. He has had so many different brands of binkies, but they all ended up as toys. So I think he'll take them out of her mouth, like in the car and stuff. We'll see.
It was so nice to get a visit from my best girls today. And they both gave super cute gifts, thanks so much Cammie and Kenz! I doubt either of their husbands wanted to come but they did, thanks guys (like they'll ever read this ;)
This hospital is awesome. They brought Josh and I sacrament today and blessed it with us. We were so grateful for that. Also, there is unlimited room service for me, whenever I'm hungry. My doctor was amazing and she's delivered over 7,500 babies. I hope she is still delivering babies when(if) I have my next. I know it will be a while if we do have more. I'm a lazy bump on a log when I'm pregnant and I don't want to be that anymore. I want to be a fun mom. I want to take my kids outside once a day at least. I want to have a clean kitchen like I used to.
Monroe, the doll she is, was sweet enough to get Kaius a present! It's coming in the mail this week.
Not that he needs help adjusting... he LOVES her. She is HIS baby. A nurse had to take her away for about five minutes today for the hearing test...and he was NOT letting Monroe out of his sight. He just had to go with. It was so cute. I know I'm going to be spending a lot of time nursing, so I thought he'd have a blast with this lil structure.
I just have a hard time grasping how lucky I am. These are mine. Forever. I get to keep them. Doesn't hurt that they are the cutest babies ever ;)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
I'm just gunna blog so I can remember this time of my life better.
Basically, I'm annoyed.
I went to the doctor on Tuesday (day after my birthday, thanks for all the happy birthday wishes :) and while she was "checking" me, uh, it hurt. She was goin in all sorts of directions and finally pronounces "you are at a 2 and 80% effaced". That night, the BACK LABOR started. That was fun. But I was lucky and it only lasted an hour. Contractions haven't stopped since. I'm pretty sure she stripped my membranes, at least a little bit. Without telling me.
So I have no idea when the baby is going to come. And I am freaking out trying to get everything ready. We finally bought a changing table and breastpump last night off of KSL...$115 for both...yeah, I'm a hussla.
I finally finished the bow holder. Still working on the wood letters for the wall...
I'll post pictures later. Too busy for that.
Every time a contraction hurts I wig out, in my head. The thought of 2 kids is starting to terrify me. Kaius is just at that age where he is learning how to get into everything and wont listen to any "don't touch that's" or "please don't's". I remember when Kaius was a newborn, every waking moment I was a prisoner on the couch breastfeeding.
And if I have a successful VBAC, but I tear really bad, I'm gunna be TICKED. I would imagine in some ways that is WORSE than recovering from a c-section. Then I'd have 2 scars. Wonderful! But, ya know, worth it.
Wow this post might be TMI for some people. Oh well!
Back to the birthday, it was a great day. I woke up to a funny "hoops & yoyo" card from Josh and Kaius. When Josh went to work, a treasure hunt was in store for me! I had notes sending me all around the house and it was really cute. I got to go with my Mom for a pedicure, it was sooo relaxing. I swear they massaged my legs longer than usual, probably cuz I'm pregnant ;).
Basically, I'm annoyed.
I went to the doctor on Tuesday (day after my birthday, thanks for all the happy birthday wishes :) and while she was "checking" me, uh, it hurt. She was goin in all sorts of directions and finally pronounces "you are at a 2 and 80% effaced". That night, the BACK LABOR started. That was fun. But I was lucky and it only lasted an hour. Contractions haven't stopped since. I'm pretty sure she stripped my membranes, at least a little bit. Without telling me.
So I have no idea when the baby is going to come. And I am freaking out trying to get everything ready. We finally bought a changing table and breastpump last night off of KSL...$115 for both...yeah, I'm a hussla.
I finally finished the bow holder. Still working on the wood letters for the wall...
I'll post pictures later. Too busy for that.
Every time a contraction hurts I wig out, in my head. The thought of 2 kids is starting to terrify me. Kaius is just at that age where he is learning how to get into everything and wont listen to any "don't touch that's" or "please don't's". I remember when Kaius was a newborn, every waking moment I was a prisoner on the couch breastfeeding.
And if I have a successful VBAC, but I tear really bad, I'm gunna be TICKED. I would imagine in some ways that is WORSE than recovering from a c-section. Then I'd have 2 scars. Wonderful! But, ya know, worth it.
Wow this post might be TMI for some people. Oh well!
Back to the birthday, it was a great day. I woke up to a funny "hoops & yoyo" card from Josh and Kaius. When Josh went to work, a treasure hunt was in store for me! I had notes sending me all around the house and it was really cute. I got to go with my Mom for a pedicure, it was sooo relaxing. I swear they massaged my legs longer than usual, probably cuz I'm pregnant ;).
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