I'm seven 1/2 weeks, and due September 12th.
We are ecstatic, but honestly I am nervous and a little freaked out at the process where this baby comes out...
I am sick only in the mornings (lucky me) as long as I eat steadily at night. I am so tired all the time but only at work, as soon as I get home I am fine.
I got my blood drawn today and that's been the worst part so far :( but seeing the baby flicker with the heart beating was priceless. This is truly a miracle.
I love my husband so much. He is adjusting to my mood swings. He goes and gets me food whenever I want. I wouldn't call them "cravings"...just something that doesn't sound repulsive at the moment.
I picture myself having a girl, I guess because my sister had a girl. But Josh wants an older brother to protect her :) so I will be so excited for either!
Ok lets go to Subway and then to the Temple.